Raising World Changers

This week, I’ve been at the Orange Conference…a gathering of leaders that minister to the next generation. On Thursday morning, Craig Groeschel taught on his values for raising children to be world changers. Let’s discover three principles for raising world changers.

He began by asking, “How do you define success in our role as leaders and parents of the next generation?”.

Our culture defines success as raising well-rounded, well-educated, happy kids. This is a stark contrast to Jesus’ words in Mark 8, “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?”.

Our calling to the next generation is to unleash single-minded, Christ-centered, biblically-anchored, world changing children.

3 practical ways to raise world changers:

Enlist Supporting Voices

  • Parents are the most important voice in the lives of their kids.
  • But parents can’t be the only voice.
  • We must enlist other voices to speak into our children.

Raise the Expectations

  • Our call is to love God with ALL of our heart.
  • We rarely, if ever, get more than we ask for.
  • We must raise the expectations for our kids.
  • By lowering the expectations, we have produced “kid-dults” that are entitled and fail to take responsibility for themselves.

Keep It Real

  • Make God EVERYTHING in our lives, not just a part of our lives.
  • If you want to teach your kids to pray…let them see you pray. If you want to teach your kids to study God’s word…let them see you study the Bible.
  • Deut. 6:7 teaches us to make God a normal part of our everyday lives…when we wake up, when we sit in our house, when we walk around, and when we go to bed.

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One response to “Raising World Changers”

  1. Phil Stevens Avatar
    Phil Stevens

    Love it bro! This is what we all need to hear and consume. Amazing stuff.

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