story making the Bible boring

Stop Making the Bible Boring

We owe it to the next generation to stop making the Bible boring! The Bible is God’s story to us. And it is anything but boring. Unfortunately, we sometimes make the Bible boring in the way we lead our preschool and elementary ministries. Let’s explore some practical ways to stop making the Bible boring.

Tell the Bible Story, Don’t Read It.

It’s a common temptation to deliver lengthy lessons when teaching the Bible. The way curriculum writers prepare a lesson is not necessarily the way you need to tell it to your kids.

Instead of reading the story…understand the concepts, study the principles, and then paint a picture for your kids’ imagination by telling the story in your own words. Help the kids in your church relate to the Biblical story.

Shift from monologues to dialogues and discussions. Create a safe space where children can ask questions, share their perspectives, and participate in interactive conversations. Allow them to explore how the Bible’s principles can be applied to their lives through thought-provoking questions and group activities. You’ll cultivate an environment where genuine learning flourishes by encouraging active participation.

Cultivate Curiosity With Your Kids.

Preschoolers and elementary-age children will pay attention as long as their curiosity is up. Once they lose interest in what you are saying, they will focus their attention on something else, like snack time or when their parents will come and pick them up.

Preschoolers and elementary-age children are naturally curious. They hunger for knowledge and new experiences. When teaching, it’s essential to tap into this innate curiosity to captivate their attention.

Emphasize interactive activities that supplement the lesson. Use puzzles, object lessons, or small experiments to pique their interest and encourage hands-on exploration. By incorporating curiosity-driven elements, you invite them to actively engage, ensuring a vibrant and memorable learning experience.

Engage The Next Generation

By adopting these practical strategies, we can transform next-generation ministries into vibrant and dynamic spaces where the Bible comes alive! Remember, the goal is not just to educate but to inspire and nurture a genuine love and understanding of God’s Word. 

The more time you spend working on your lesson, the less time you will lecture your class. The less time you lecture your class, the more they will actually learn. Be the catalyst for a lifelong love of the Bible in the hearts and minds of the next generation!


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