Pastor Eric Echols preaching

Recent Blog Posts

  • Parenting Stewardship

    I had the privilege of teaching our Baby Dedication at South Tampa Fellowship this weekend. It was another reminder that, as parents, the only thing we truly own is our relationship with God. But when it comes to our kids, we are […] Read More

  • 3 Ways to Nurture Your Daughter’s Heart

    Today my daughter celebrates her 10th birthday. It’s hard to believe my baby girl has entered into double digits. In this post, I want to highlight three ways to nurture your daughter’s heart. If you were like me, I was overcome with […] Read More

  • Leaders Help People Grow

    Leaders help people. It is the role of the leader to create environments where people can grow both personally and professionally. One of the best ways to do this is by creating shared experiences for your team to grow. In Developing the […] Read More

  • Type 1 Diabetes: A New Day…

    We are learning to live with Type 1 diabetes. It all started a couple of weeks ago when our oldest son began to be more thirsty than usual. We didn’t think much of it. Figured it was just another growth spurt. Boy […] Read More

  • 6 Characteristics Of Leaders That Move The Ball Down The Field

    I know it’s only pre-season football, but the fact that it’s on TV makes me excited for the upcoming season. Tonight I watched Matt Ryan and Joe Flaco successfully lead their teams for touchdowns in back-to-back drives. Football is the ultimate team […] Read More

  • Pick Your Battles With Your Kids

    Summer time has a way of testing your parenting skills. The kids are home all day and probably not nearly as structured as they are during the school year. If your kids are anything like ours, they do really well the first […] Read More

  • 20 Great Quotes on Teamwork

    20 Great Quotes on Teamwork

    Teamwork is essential for leading our churches, ministries, and organizations. Sure, you can work alone but you’ll be limited in what you can accomplish. Here are 20 great quotes on teamwork. “Winning teams have players who put the good of the team […] Read More

  • A Formula For Leading Change In The Church

    If you’re a leader in a local church, you know that change does not always come easy. Let’s face it, often times it is downright hard to bring about change in the church. Time and time again, change initiatives fail and the […] Read More

  • Keeping The Next Generation From Dropping Out of Church

    I’m taking a little time off for the next couple of weeks, so I’m going to be posting some of my more popular posts. Call it a “greatest hits”…not that I’m saying my writing is great; these simply have gotten the most […] Read More

  • How To Come Up With You’re Next Great Idea

    I’m taking a little time off for the next couple of weeks, so I’m going to be posting some of my more popular posts. Call it a “greatest hits”…not that I’m saying my writing is great, these simply have gotten the most […] Read More

  • God’s Strength vs. Our Strength

    If we are not careful, our God given strengths can become our greatest weakness when we rely on them instead of relying on the Lord. There are many stories in Scripture that show godly leaders relying on their own abilities. Here are […] Read More

  • How To Build Commitment On Your Team

    How To Build Commitment On Your Team

    In a previous post, I wrote about the two enemies of commitment: Consensus and Certainty. If you’re waiting to have 100% consensus on your team and certainty your ideas will work, then you better pack a lunch because you’re going to be […] Read More

  • Two Enemies of Commitment That Stall Your Team

    Two Enemies of Commitment That Stall Your Team

    Is your team stuck in a cycle of discussing issues but never making decisions? You can tell that you’re stuck in this cycle when you talk about a problem and come up with a solution…only to have the person in charge “decide” […] Read More

  • Parenting Dilemma: Navigating Punishment vs Discipline

    Parenting is the hardest job on the planet…especially when our kids misbehave. We have to walk that tightrope of Punishment vs. Discipline when our kids require a consequence for something they have done. We want them to experience the effect of their […] Read More

  • Missing the Point of the Bible [Quote]

    We often read the Bible as if it were fundamentally about us: our improvement, our life, our triumph, our victory, our faith, our holiness, our godliness. We treat it like a book of timeless principles that will give us our best life […] Read More

  • If God Had a Fridge, You’re Picture Would Be On It

    A friend of mine, Glyn Norman, recently released a new book. His book, If God Had A Fridge, Your Picture Would Be On It, examines the sources of self-image and compares them to what God says about us and who we are. […] Read More


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