Pastor Eric Echols preaching

Recent Blog Posts

  • Parenting Dilemma: Navigating Punishment vs Discipline

    Parenting is the hardest job on the planet…especially when our kids misbehave. We have to walk that tightrope of Punishment vs. Discipline when our kids require a consequence for something they have done. We want them to experience the effect of their […] Read More

  • Missing the Point of the Bible [Quote]

    We often read the Bible as if it were fundamentally about us: our improvement, our life, our triumph, our victory, our faith, our holiness, our godliness. We treat it like a book of timeless principles that will give us our best life […] Read More

  • If God Had a Fridge, You’re Picture Would Be On It

    A friend of mine, Glyn Norman, recently released a new book. His book, If God Had A Fridge, Your Picture Would Be On It, examines the sources of self-image and compares them to what God says about us and who we are. […] Read More

  • What iOS 7 Teaches Us About Ministry

    Yes, I confess that I have an iPhone, iPad, and I’m typing this post on a MacBook Pro. But this post isn’t about choosing Apple over Android or Microsoft. It’s about the value of simplicity in ministry. It’s about bringing order to […] Read More

  • See Beyond Your Current Reality

    We’ve all experienced moments of overwhelming challenges. Perhaps you find yourself in such a situation right now, facing a personal crisis with an uncertain future. Often, whether in parenting, marriage, or ministry, we become so absorbed in our current reality that we […] Read More

  • Recruit Volunteers Like Apple Recruits Employees

    It is well worth your time to invest 4.5 minutes watching this inspiring recruitment video from Apple. Despite what you think about the company and it’s products, you have to agree that Apple does an amazing job at creating raving fans. Not […] Read More

  • How To Move From Daydreamer To Goal Setter

    Are you tired of setting goals for your church only to have them fall short of your dream? Are you having trouble making your ministry plans become a reality? In this post, we will see how to become a better goal setter. […] Read More

  • Culture Eats Strategy For Lunch [Quote]

    “Culture—not vision or strategy—is the most powerful factor in any organization. It determines the receptivity of staff and volunteers to new ideas, unleashes or dampens creativity, builds or erodes enthusiasm, and creates a sense of pride or deep discouragement about working or […] Read More

  • The Hardest Person to Lead…

    The hardest person to lead…is yourself! That’s why Jesus calls us to die to ourselves in order to be effective leaders in His church. If we are going to lead ourselves, it is imperative we have a plan for personal growth. Every […] Read More

  • 4 Ways To Keep Volunteers AFTER You Recruit Them

    Every ministry in the church needs volunteers. They are the lifeblood of a healthy church. When I first started out in ministry, I could get people to try it out and serve. Lots of folks would serve for a few months but […] Read More

  • The Power of Human Connection

    Each week, kids and students show up at our churches looking for connection. We can offer the best programs, teach the best curriculum, and provide the best worship experience week in and week out but miss out on making a difference because […] Read More

  • Walk Before You Run

    In life and leadership, you have to walk before you run. It’s been a little over a month since I had back surgery. If anything, it has revealed how impatient I can be. Honestly, I think I was expecting to wake up […] Read More

  • Are Your Policies Killing Your Team?

    Rules, policies, and many procedures are often just a scapegoat for real leadership. They are often an attempt to “fix” something we’d rather avoid. It’s easier to create a blanket policy for your entire team then have a difficult conversation with an […] Read More

  • When Our Children Rebel

    One of the reading plans I’m working through on is a daily devotional on parenting written by Parenting By Design. Here are some great thoughts and encouragement for parents when our children rebel. And the truth is that all of our […] Read More

  • A Leaders Most Selfish Behavior

    I believe the most selfish behavior a leader can exhibit is a refusal to reproduce themselves. I learned how selfish a leader I was at my very first church. I was serving as the Associate Pastor at a small church, overseeing the […] Read More

  • Dallas Willard Quotes

    Dallas Willard was called home today. As someone said on twitter, “we are poorer for losing him, but so much richer for having him.” He was truly a gift to us all. His words have encouraged me and challenged me throughout my […] Read More


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