Pastor Eric Echols preaching

Recent Blog Posts

  • Why Men Are NOT Volunteering At Church

    Why Men Are NOT Volunteering At Church

    Have you had a difficult time getting men to volunteer at your church? Ever wonder why men are not volunteering? First of all, this is not a post downplaying the importance of women serving in ministry. The truth of the matter is […] Read More

  • 3 Keys to Empowering Your Team

    Your organization will never reach its full potential until you turn your people loose to do the job. The three keys to empowering your team are responsibility, authority, and accountability. Responsibility It begins with releasing responsibility. This first step is often the […] Read More

  • The Top 10 Leadership Commandments

    The Top 10 Leadership Commandments

    Moses is arguably one of the greatest leaders of all time. He was called to accomplish something bigger than himself. When he had to confront the most powerful king of his day, he stood his ground and would not let his mission […] Read More

  • 3 Ways to Waste Your Life

    Do not waste your life! We all have dreams, aspirations, and goals for our lives. Yet our choices determine whether or not we reach our goals and realize our dreams. The choices you make today will determine where you’ll be tomorrow. Some […] Read More

  • Poke the Box

    “When was the last time you did something for the first time?” That’s the question Seth Godin sets out get us to answer in his book Poke the Box. This book has a simple message: Start Something. This book is a manifesto […] Read More

  • Shortcuts Lead To A Long Road

    Taking shortcuts in life comes with a price. Sure, cutting corners may bring about short term gain but they always result in long term pain. Hard work, sacrifice, and discipline all take time and effort to develop. There is no substitute for […] Read More

  • Is your spouse invisible?

    How often do you tell your wife she is beautiful or your husband that he is handsome? Do your eyes still light up with they walk in the room? Or does your spouse feel invisible? As a pastor, I talk to far […] Read More

  • RE-Organizing the Family (Part 2)

    Yesterday, I wrote about the organizational shift that occurs in families once a baby is born. You can read the post here. But to sum it up…when a child is born, the marriage relationship takes a backseat role in our modern families. […] Read More

  • RE-Organizing the Family (Part 1)

    Who’s in charge of your family? Let’s begin answering that question by thinking back to your “BC” days—life Before Children. If you’re like me, you’re probably having a hard time remembering your life before kids. Here are a few reminders of what it was […] Read More

  • Divine Intersections: What we pray for reflects our belief in God

    What we pray for reflects our belief about God. When we pray small prayers, it shows we don’t believe that God is for us and that He wants come through for us in big ways. Far too often our prayers are for […] Read More

  • Uncensored Grace

    Grace is messy! God’s grace reaches down into our messy lives and transforms us from the inside out. This only happens when we embrace God’s grace. Our problem is that we are comfortable with a domesticated grace based on our own performance […] Read More

  • Forget the Resolutions (Repost)

    I’ve never been one for making New Year’s Resolutions. It seems pointless to wait until January to choose a couple of things that you either want to start doing or stop doing to improve your life. Yet each January about 50% of […] Read More

  • Give a Gift. Do Good.

    Give a gift and do good. Are you looking for a Christmas gift that keeps on giving? Here’s a way to give a gift to someone who has everything they need and help a woman who has little to meet her needs. […] Read More

  • Keeping Christmas

    I recently read this short devotional about Christmas from Henry van Dyke written over 100 years ago. His words still ring true today.  “It is a good thing to observe Christmas Day. The mere marking of times and seasons, when men agree […] Read More

  • How To Come Up With Great Ideas

    I recently came across a book by James Webb Young called “A Technique for Producing Ideas“. Though he presented the ideas from the book in 1939, his thoughts for generating great ideas are just as pertinent today as they were back then. […] Read More

  • 3 Categories of Parenting

    Raising children is one of the most difficult and most fulfilling jobs in the world – and one for which we often feel least qualified. There’s plenty of information and resources for parents today. Just try doing a Google search on parenting […] Read More


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