Pastor Eric Echols preaching

Recent Blog Posts

  • Revealing The Hidden Cost Of Leadership

    Revealing The Hidden Cost Of Leadership

    Leadership demands courage, sacrifice, and resilience in three key areas: making difficult decisions, facing disapproval, and enduring misunderstanding. It requires the ability to analyze complex scenarios, withstand criticism, communicate effectively, and stay true to one’s convictions. However, despite these challenges, the ability to inspire others, create positive change, and leave a lasting legacy makes the… Read More

  • Three reasons to give thanks to God

    Three reasons to give thanks to God

    One of the characteristics of a follower of Jesus is thanksgiving. While we are to “be thankful in all circumstances”, Paul focuses his thanksgiving on the spiritual blessings that come through walking with Christ. He gives us three reasons to give thanks […] Read More

  • How To Share The Gospel Everyday

    How To Share The Gospel Everyday

    In Acts 16, we witness Paul and Silas boldly proclaiming the gospel in Philippi, demonstrating three powerful ways to share the good news of Jesus. As gospel carriers, it is crucial that we approach our interactions with others intentionally. Because of this, […] Read More

  • Embracing Servant Leadership: Lessons from the Greatest Leader

    Embracing Servant Leadership: Lessons from the Greatest Leader

    Servant leadership is a timeless concept that remains as relevant today as it was in the time of Jesus. In this post, we’ll explore the profound principles of servant leadership, using Jesus as the ultimate example. While the teachings are rooted in […] Read More

  • Navigating the Challenge of Achieving Vision Clarity

    Navigating the Challenge of Achieving Vision Clarity

    Where there is no vision, the people perish, but blessed is he who keeps the law. Proverbs 29:18  One of the challenges many churches & organizations face is getting clarity on their vision. Oftentimes, the vision is fuzzy, and leaders don’t even […] Read More

  • Healthy Churches Focus on Growing Insiders and Reaching Outsiders

    Healthy Churches Focus on Growing Insiders and Reaching Outsiders

    Every pastor shares the noble aspiration of cultivating a thriving and spiritually vibrant church community. But what is the blueprint for growing healthy churches? In this post, we will discuss the fundamental principles that foster a thriving church and ignite change, both inside and outside its walls. Read More

  • Abiding in Christ: Keys To A Vibrant Relationship With Jesus

    Abiding in Christ: Keys To A Vibrant Relationship With Jesus

    In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it can be difficult to find a real sense of purpose, lasting peace, and genuine fulfillment. However, for those who have embarked on the journey of abiding in Christ, life takes on a […] Read More

  • One Way God Leads Us Is By Closing Doors

    One Way God Leads Us Is By Closing Doors

    Closed doors are part of how God leads us. Read More

  • How To Grow Stronger By Growing Weaker

    How To Grow Stronger By Growing Weaker

    In our pursuit of personal growth and strength, we often rely on our abilities, knowledge, and resources. However, in God’s divine wisdom, He calls us to a counterintuitive path to true strength – we grow stronger by growing weaker. As the renowned […] Read More

  • From Despair to Hope: How God Encourages Us

    From Despair to Hope: How God Encourages Us

    Ever felt alone, maybe a bit discouraged? We all have. Life just seems to work that way. We all have moments when the challenges we face leave us feeling disheartened and weary. Even in our darkest moments, there is a glimmer of […] Read More

  • Faith And Fear Cannot Co-Exist

    Faith And Fear Cannot Co-Exist

    Life is this incredible journey filled with choices, and one of the most pivotal choices we face daily is whether to live by faith or be consumed by fear. It’s like standing at a crossroads. One path leads to faith, the other […] Read More

  • Be Like Jesus: How To Imitate Our Savior

    Be Like Jesus: How To Imitate Our Savior

    As Jesus’ disciples, we are called to WALK like Jesus, THINK like Jesus, ACT like Jesus…in other words we are called to BE like Jesus. It is clear in Scripture that our biblical mandate is to imitate Christ. Here’s what Apostle Paul […] Read More

  • Effective Leadership: Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit

    Effective Leadership: Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit

    In the world of leadership, we often encounter individuals who resort to manipulation, threats, and intimidation to drive their teams forward. While this approach might yield short-term results, it is not effective leadership. When a leader is a jerk and creates a […] Read More

  • Learning How To Pray Like Jesus

    Learning How To Pray Like Jesus

    A distinct pattern quickly emerges when you begin to examine the life of Jesus: He frequently spent time talking to His Heavenly Father through prayer. The question needs to be asked, “How can we learn to pray like Jesus?” Mark writes in his gospel […] Read More

  • Spirit Lead Me: Exploring the Role of the Holy Spirit in our lives

    Spirit Lead Me: Exploring the Role of the Holy Spirit in our lives

    Many Christians are confused by the third person of the Trinity. Who is the Holy Spirit, and what role does He play in our lives? Read More

  • The Remarkable Power of Persistent Prayer

    The Remarkable Power of Persistent Prayer

    In life, there are moments when we feel completely overwhelmed and helpless. At times, we encounter challenges that appear impossible to overcome, leaving us feeling powerless and thinking there’s nothing we can do. How do we respond when a loved one is […] Read More


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