Pastor Eric Echols preaching

Recent Blog Posts

  • How To Overcome The Summer Volunteer Slump

    How To Overcome The Summer Volunteer Slump

    Developing a strategy for overcoming the summer volunteer slump requires proactive planning and creative approaches. As the warm weather and vacation season approaches, many churchgoers and faithful volunteers find their schedules filled with travel, family commitments, or simply the desire to take […] Read More

  • The Role of Repentance, Faith, and Baptism

    The Role of Repentance, Faith, and Baptism

    In the early days of the Church, on the day of Pentecost, something remarkable happened. The Apostle Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, delivered a powerful sermon that penetrated the hearts of those who heard it. In Acts 2:37-41, Peter emphasizes that […] Read More

  • Prayer is boldness born out of confidence in God’s faithfulness

    Prayer is boldness born out of confidence in God’s faithfulness

    Prayer is one of the most powerful tools that we have as believers. It is an avenue through which we can communicate with God, pour out our hearts, and make our requests known to Him. Yet, prayer is often misunderstood, and some […] Read More

  • Three Marks of Effective Preaching

    Three Marks of Effective Preaching

    Peter’s sermon delivered during Pentecost is a remarkable illustration of effective communication. It marks a significant moment in the history of Christianity and showcases a masterful example of preaching that remains relevant today. Here are three marks of effective preaching found in […] Read More

  • As God’s Workmanship: We Are Created For Good Works.

    As God’s Workmanship: We Are Created For Good Works.

    As God’s Workmanship: We Are Created For Good Works. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 Write that verse down and put it in a […] Read More

  • Discovering the Power and Presence of Pentecost

    Discovering the Power and Presence of Pentecost

    On the day of Pentecost, 120 of Jesus’ disciples gathered together when the Holy Spirit suddenly descended upon them. The power and presence of Pentecost was on full display for all to see. Three supernatural signs marked the arrival of the Holy […] Read More

  • The Connection between Patience and Faith

    The Connection between Patience and Faith

    We’ve all heard the saying that patience is a virtue. As followers of Jesus, we know that patience is a fruit of the Spirit. But how many of us actually find it easy to practice? It can be tough waiting for something […] Read More

  • What To Do While We Wait

    What To Do While We Wait

    It’s safe to say that waiting is not a favorite pastime for most people. It can be frustrating and seem like a waste of time, but the reality is that we spend a significant portion of our lives waiting. We wait in […] Read More

  • 3 Ways We Can Draw Near To God

    3 Ways We Can Draw Near To God

    “Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.” Hebrews 10:22 We have been invited into a close relationship with God, to […] Read More

  • Called To Be His Witnesses

    Called To Be His Witnesses

    As the ordinary people of God, equipped with the Word of God, empowered by the Spirit of God, and dedicated to the Son of God, we can accomplish the mission of God. Read More

  • NEIGHBORING: A neighbor is something we are, NOT something we have

    NEIGHBORING: A neighbor is something we are, NOT something we have

    This past Sunday at Freedom, we looked at one of Jesus’ most famous parables in Luke 10. It’s the parable of the Good Samaritan. I think one of the challenges with being so familiar with a story is that we can actually […] Read More

  • Is Your Prayer Life A Roadmap or Relationship

    When you pray, do you want a roadmap or relationship? One of the biggest problems with our prayer lives is that we want a ROADMAP, not a RELATIONSHIP. We want God to tell us what to do. We want Him to simply […] Read More

  • The Power of the Master’s Touch

    The Gospel of Mark records more miracles of Jesus than any other gospel. In fact, it records more of Jesus’ miracles than it does His messages. Mark sets out to prove how the Master’s touch impacts our lives. But these miracles are […] Read More

  • Following Jesus Is Not For the Faint of Heart

    Life is unpredictable. It’s full of ups and downs, hairpin turns, and unexplained detours. We often make the mistake of believing that following Jesus will prevent us from difficulties in this life. We think that life should be easy because we have […] Read More

  • Jesus’ call to be His disciple is an equipping call

    This is a three-part series on Jesus’ call to be His disciple. The call to be Jesus’ disciple is a grace-filled call, a demanding call, and an equipping call. Mark 1:16–20 Passing alongside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew […] Read More

  • Jesus’ call to be His disciple is a demanding call

    This is a three-part series on Jesus’ call to be His disciple. The call to be Jesus’ disciple is a grace-filled call, a demanding call, and an equipping call. Mark 1:16–20 Passing alongside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew […] Read More


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