Pastor Eric Echols preaching

Recent Blog Posts

  • A Powerful Lesson About Open-handed Generosity

    A Powerful Lesson About Open-handed Generosity

    The feeding of the 5000, found in Mark 6:34-44 is one of the greatest miracles Jesus ever performed. When Jesus fed 5000 people with five loaves and two fish, it was not just a powerful display of His divine power and compassion, but it […] Read More

  • How To Be More Generous

    The reality is that most people want to be more generous and want to give more than they do. Today, we delve into the transformative power of generosity and discover practical ways to cultivate a more generous heart. In a world often driven […] Read More

  • God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him

    Jesus is glorified in us when He is more valuable, more precious, more satisfying that all that life can give OR death can take away! Read More

  • God’s Love Endures Forever

    God’s Love Endures Forever

    Psalm 136 is a great reminder that God’s love endures forever. Today, we explore a powerful concept that has resonated throughout the ages: God’s love endures forever. In a world full of uncertainties, it is comforting to know that God’s love is […] Read More

  • Obedience to the Will & Word of God

    At the end of Jesus’ famous Sermon on the Mount, He ends the message with a call to action. Jesus reminds us that it’s not enough to know truth; truth must be put into practice.  Jesus says there are two paths; one is wide […] Read More

  • How To Hear From God

    How To Hear From God

    The Bible is to our spirit what food is to our body! If we don’t regularly take God’s Word into our minds, hearts, and spirits we WILL starve spiritually. There are far too many malnourished Christians who rarely, if ever, read God’s […] Read More

  • A Legacy That Outlast Our Lives

    “The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.” — William James We all have people in our lives that we never got a chance to meet personally, but really wish we would have had the […] Read More

  • A Thankful Heart Cannot Be Cynical

    Giving thanks always for all things unto God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. – Apostle Paul in Ephesians 5:20 A great reminder from A.W. Tozer… “Let me recommend the cultivation of the habit of thankfulness as an […] Read More

  • The Hard Work of Reconciliation

    The book of Philemon is the shortest letter written by Paul. It is a personal letter that Paul wrote to his friend, Philemon. The letter was written to reconcile the broken relationship between Philemon and Onesimus and it serves as a handbook […] Read More

  • Heart of Jesus’ Mission: Make Disciples Who Make Other Disciples

    Heart of Jesus’ Mission: Make Disciples Who Make Other Disciples

    Jesus didn’t command us to “go and do discipleship” nor did He say “go and do evangelism”. Jesus commanded us to go and “make disciples” and disciple-making is where the very heart of evangelism and discipleship meet. Read More

  • Jesus Had Compassion on the Crowds

    Jesus tells us to pray for people far from God…then equips us to be the answer to our prayers. Read More

  • Discipleship Requires A Cross

    The only way to follow Jesus is to die to yourself every day. This is why true discipleship requires a cross. Discipleship, at its core, is the art of following Jesus Christ, emulating His teachings, and embodying His love and grace in […] Read More

  • The Greatest Question

    The greatest question any of us will ever be asked is “Who is Jesus?” It’s a question that has to be settled by every individual: male or female, young or old, rich or poor. It’s a question you cannot avoid or put […] Read More

  • Come And See

    The mission Jesus gave His followers is summed up by the Great Commandment and the Great Commission: Love God, Love Others, Make Disciples. But the question I’m often asked is “how?”. How do I engage with people far from God? How do invite people into spiritual conversations? Read More

  • The Great Commission is our Everyday Mission

    The Great Commission is our Everyday Mission

    What comes to mind when you think about the Great Commission? Many followers of Jesus feel intimidated because it’s the “great” commission. They think because it’s “great” it must be meant for “great” Christians. That’s simply not the case. The commission is “great” because it has […] Read More

  • Love…Upward, Inward, And Outward

    Currently, I’m teaching a series at Freedom Bible Church called “Like Jesus.” As followers of Jesus…our Biblical mandate is to imitate Him. We are called to walk like Jesus, think like Jesus, and act like Jesus. Thankfully, the Gospels show us a […] Read More


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