Pastor Eric Echols preaching

Recent Blog Posts

  • Eating With Sinners

    From the moment Adam & Eve sinned in the garden, men and women have been hiding from God. Then the amazing happens! Jesus comes along, and people no longer run FROM Him; they run TO Him. A big part of this was […] Read More

  • How Fun Is It to Work for You?

    I’m excited about this guest post from Mark Miller, the Vice President of High-Performance Leadership at Chick-Fil-A. It is a great reminder that as a leader, you need to make work fun for those that work for you. His latest book, Leaders […] Read More

  • The Cycle of Success

    We all face a “collision with reality” when our good intentions don’t produce the results we wanted. It’s important to follow the Cycle of Success if we want to meet our personal, professional, and organizational goals. Read More

  • How to pass the baton of faith to your children

    If you’re like me, you’ve been staying up far too late and watching the Rio Olympics. I particularly love watching the 4×100 relay. The exchange of the baton in these races is crucial to the team’s success. Missing the exchange can cause a […] Read More

  • Unveiling God’s Wisdom: Exploring the Great Mystery of the Church

    Let’s explore the great mystery that lies at the heart of the Church. As John Stott profoundly stated, the creation of the universe showcases God’s glory to humans, but it is through the new creation, the Church, that He reveals His wisdom to […] Read More

  • Mark Miller’s New Book: Chess Not Checkers

    I’m excited about the release of Mark Miller’s new book, “Chess Not Checkers”, this week. As the VP of Leadership Development for Chick-Fil-A, Mark knows what it means to be build a high performance organization. “Chess Not Checkers” is designed to help leaders elevate their […] Read More

  • The Cross

    The Cross. It rests on the time line of history like a compelling diamond. It’s tragedy summons all suffers. It’s absurdity attracts all critics. It’s hope lures all searchers. My what a piece of wood! History has idolized it. And despised it, […] Read More

  • I’ve Been Demoted

    This is a guest post from Mark Miller. Today is the release of the 10th anniversary edition of his book, The Secret. Make sure you pick up a copy this week. This post originally published on April 4, 2014 at I’VE […] Read More

  • Great Teams Always Beat Superstars

    We live in a culture that values superstars. While a superstar may sell jerseys, it is great teams that win championships. This was proven again tonight when the San Antonio Spurs defeated the Miami Heat in five games. Many would argue that […] Read More

  • 2014 Ministry Trends

    Back at the beginning of the year, Carey Nieuwhof published this info-graph highlighting some of the major trends he believes churches can’t ignore in 2014. Now that we are at the half-way point of 2014, I want to revisit these trends to see […] Read More

  • Confidence vs. Arrogance

    Confidence vs. Arrogance. There is an infinitely fine line between having confidence and begin arrogant. I think many leaders struggle with knowing the difference between the two. As a matter of fact, I posted an article yesterday from my friend Brian Dodd […] Read More

  • Attitude Makes All The Difference

    Denis Waitley says, “The winner’s edge is not in a gifted birth, in a high IQ, or in talent. The winner’s edge is in the attitude, not aptitude.” Talent alone is not enough to sustain effective leadership. It’s your attitude that makes […] Read More

  • Leadership Principle: Being Before Doing

    All leaders want to produce results. They want to achieve their goals and take their organization to the next level. But great leaders don’t think of leadership in terms of doing alone. They know that it’s so much more than that. Leadership […] Read More

  • Jesus’ Leadership Model: Counter-Cultural Leadership

    Jesus modeled counter-cultural leadership. When we model our leadership after Jesus, it is going to be counter-culture. In the Scripture, Jesus says that the culture leverages their authority to control others and have them serve the leader. However, in God’s economy, great […] Read More

  • Teens, Social Media, and The Church

    It’s obvious that social and digital media are a part of the daily diet for students in our culture. According to a recent survey, nearly 70% of students text and over half of them spend time on social media every day. With […] Read More

  • 10 Indispensable Practices of the 2 Minute Leader

    Creating a leadership culture in our churches is something ministry leaders want to do, but most lack the tools to make it a reality. That’s why I’m excited about Brian Dodd’s new book, 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2 Minute Leader. Having […] Read More


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