Category: Leadership

  • How To Move From Daydreamer To Goal Setter

    Are you tired of setting goals for your church only to have them fall short of your dream? Are you having trouble making your ministry plans become a reality? In this post, we will see how to become a better goal setter. […]

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  • Culture Eats Strategy For Lunch [Quote]

    “Culture—not vision or strategy—is the most powerful factor in any organization. It determines the receptivity of staff and volunteers to new ideas, unleashes or dampens creativity, builds or erodes enthusiasm, and creates a sense of pride or deep discouragement about working or […]

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  • The Hardest Person to Lead…

    The hardest person to lead…is yourself! That’s why Jesus calls us to die to ourselves in order to be effective leaders in His church. If we are going to lead ourselves, it is imperative we have a plan for personal growth. Every […]

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