Category: Leadership

  • 4 Ways To Keep Volunteers AFTER You Recruit Them

    Every ministry in the church needs volunteers. They are the lifeblood of a healthy church. When I first started out in ministry, I could get people to try it out and serve. Lots of folks would serve for a few months but […]

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  • Walk Before You Run

    In life and leadership, you have to walk before you run. It’s been a little over a month since I had back surgery. If anything, it has revealed how impatient I can be. Honestly, I think I was expecting to wake up […]

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  • Are Your Policies Killing Your Team?

    Rules, policies, and many procedures are often just a scapegoat for real leadership. They are often an attempt to “fix” something we’d rather avoid. It’s easier to create a blanket policy for your entire team then have a difficult conversation with an […]

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