Why Do We Need A Confession of Faith?
While the Bible is our ultimate and sufficient authority for faith and practice (2 Timothy 3:16-17), a Biblical confession of faith serves an important role in helping the church understand, articulate, and defend biblical truth. Here’s why they matter:
Pride: The Greatest Threat to Our Spiritual Lives
Pride is more than a character flaw; it’s the greatest threat to our spiritual lives. This post dives into why pride is so dangerous, how it blinds us to God’s grace, and the transformative power of humility through Christ. Discover practical steps to confront pride and walk in the freedom and joy of humility.
Maranatha: Embracing The Hope Of Jesus’ Return
Imagine waiting for the most important moment of your life, yet not knowing exactly when it will arrive. This is the reality for Christians living in anticipation of Christ’s return. The word Maranatha encapsulates this hope-filled tension. It means, “Come, Lord Jesus,” and carries […]