Why Do We Need A Confession of Faith?

Why Do We Need A Confession of Faith?

While the Bible is our ultimate and sufficient authority for faith and practice (2 Timothy 3:16-17), a Biblical confession of faith is influential in helping the church understand, articulate, and defend biblical truth. Here’s why they matter:

1. A Confession of Faith Summarizes Biblical Doctrine

A Confession of Faith doesn’t replace Scripture but organizes its teachings clearly and systematically. A good confession helps believers grasp the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27) and see how different doctrines fit together. Important biblical truths could be overlooked or misunderstood without a confession of faith. They serve as a helpful tool for believers to navigate the full scope of Scripture’s teachings.

2. A Confession of Faith Guards Against False Teaching

Heresy is nothing new (2 Peter 2:1), and confessions of faith serve as doctrinal guardrails to protect the church from error. Holding to a confession ensures that what we teach aligns with historic, biblical Christianity. A confession serves as a benchmark to distinguish true doctrine from falsehood, especially when the world threatens to pull us away from the Word of God.

3. A Confession of Faith Provides a Standard for Church Unity

Amos 3:3 asks, “Can two walk together unless they are agreed?” A confession of faith unites a local church around a shared understanding of biblical truth. It prevents doctrinal confusion and division, ensuring that the church remains united on core beliefs.

4. A Confession of Faith Connects Us to the Historic Church

Jude 3 reminds us that the faith was “once for all delivered to the saints.” Confessions of faith connect us to the historic church and its faithful testimony. They remind us that we stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us, and studying them helps us remain rooted in the biblical faith, not swayed by modern trends or personal opinions. A confession of faith serves as a bridge between generations of Christians who have upheld sound doctrine.

5. A Confession of Faith Equips Believers for Evangelism and Discipleship

A well-defined confession of faith equips believers to share the gospel with clarity (1 Peter 3:15) and disciple others in sound doctrine (Titus 2:1). When we know what we believe and why, we are better prepared to defend the faith and teach others. Confessions of faith provide a concise framework for understanding and explaining biblical truths, making them a valuable tool for evangelism and discipleship in the life of the church.

6. A Confession of Faith Helps Us Apply Biblical Truth to Everyday Life

Theology isn’t just for academics—it’s for every Christian. Confessions of faith help us apply the profound truths of Scripture to our daily lives. They show how theology is not just something we study but something we live out in worship, obedience, and our interactions with the world. A solid Biblical confession helps translate abstract doctrines into practical, everyday Christian living.


We need confessions not because they add to Scripture but because they help us better understand and apply it. In a world filled with confusion and compromise, a solid confession of faith anchors us in biblical truth. It unites believers, protects the church from error, and equips us to glorify God in all we do.


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