Discipleship Requires A Cross

The only way to follow Jesus is to die to yourself every day. This is why true discipleship requires a cross. Discipleship, at its core, is the art of following Jesus Christ, emulating His teachings, and embodying His love and grace in our daily lives. It is a lifelong commitment that requires sacrifice, self-denial, and steadfast devotion. And nothing captures the essence of discipleship more profoundly than the cross.

I wish there was an easier way. Instead of giving up the life I have…wouldn’t it be nice to simply add Jesus to my existing life? But Jesus doesn’t give that as an option. Following Jesus requires a cross. The cross serves as a constant reminder of the ultimate sacrifice made for our salvation and the boundless grace extended to us.

Jesus says the only way to follow Him is to DENY OURSELVESTAKE UP OUR CROSS, and FOLLOW HIM!

Being a disciple of Jesus requires everything! Jesus demands ALL OF US…our relationships, our desires, our lives, our possessions, our everything. ONLY JESUS can command our top loyalty & take first place in our lives. 

“I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

Apostle Paul writing to the church in Galatia (Galatians 2:20)

All of us must ask ourselves…

  • Am I willing to put my relationship with Jesus above all other relationships? 
  • Am I willing to die to my own desires and plans to live by God’s will for me? 
  • Am I willing to surrender all my possessions and all that I am to receive God’s kingdom?

One response to “Discipleship Requires A Cross”

  1. Cultural Christianity Exposed: The Danger of Superficial Faith

    […] free from Cultural Christianity means embracing the full cost of discipleship. It […]

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