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God Uses Everyday Servants
God uses everyday servants. One of the main reasons God doesn’t use us the way we think He should is because we spend our days pursuing our own will and going about our work in our own power and strength. You see with God…less is […]
Trust and Obedience: Work Out What What God Works In
Philippians 2:12-18 teach us a lot about Christian discipleship and God’s expectations for His people. This passage shows us that the Christian faith stands on two foundations: TRUST and OBEDIENCE. As followers of Jesus, we are to pursue a lifetime of obedience. Our […]
Highly Exalted
Philippians 2:5-11 is believed to have been an ancient hymn sung by the early church. This week we looked at the second half of the passage that shows the upward steps of Jesus’ glorification: it begins with His resurrection, followed by His ascension, culminating when the glory […]