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Jesus’ call to be His disciple is a grace-filled call
This is a three-part series on Jesus’ call to be His disciple. The call to be Jesus’ disciple is a… Continue reading
What does it mean to repent and believe?
When Jesus started preaching in Galilee, He tells us the Kingdom of God is at hand. His message was “repent… Continue reading
Jesus’ Call And Our Response
As we continued our series on the Gospel of Mark, we came to the passage where Jesus called His first… Continue reading
Jesus’ life & ministry serves as an EXAMPLE of what we should do & as an EXCHANGE FOR what we could never do. In fact this is what separates Jesus’… Continue reading
Becoming A Confident Leader
If 2020 has taught us anything it’s that leading through a pandemic is HARD! Most of us started 2020 with… Continue reading
Praise God Anyhow
At Freedom Bible Church, we have been teaching through the Book of Habakkuk. Over the course of our study, I… Continue reading