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From Despair to Hope: How God Encourages Us
Ever felt alone, maybe a bit discouraged? We all have. Life just seems to work that way. We all have… Continue reading
Faith And Fear Cannot Co-Exist
Life is this incredible journey filled with choices, and one of the most pivotal choices we face daily is whether… Continue reading
Be Like Jesus: How To Imitate Our Savior
As Jesus’ disciples, we are called to WALK like Jesus, THINK like Jesus, ACT like Jesus…in other words we are… Continue reading
Effective Leadership: Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit
In the world of leadership, we often encounter individuals who resort to manipulation, threats, and intimidation to drive their teams… Continue reading
Learning How To Pray Like Jesus
A distinct pattern quickly emerges when you begin to examine the life of Jesus: He frequently spent time talking to… Continue reading
Spirit Lead Me: Exploring the Role of the Holy Spirit in our lives
Many Christians are confused by the third person of the Trinity. Who is the Holy Spirit, and what role does He… Continue reading