Tag: decision making

  • Revealing The Hidden Cost Of Leadership

    Revealing The Hidden Cost Of Leadership

    Leadership demands courage, sacrifice, and resilience in three key areas: making difficult decisions, facing disapproval, and enduring misunderstanding. It requires the ability to analyze complex scenarios, withstand criticism, communicate effectively, and stay true to one’s convictions. However, despite these challenges, the ability to inspire others, create positive change, and leave a lasting legacy makes the…

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  • Navigating the Challenge of Achieving Vision Clarity

    Navigating the Challenge of Achieving Vision Clarity

    Where there is no vision, the people perish, but blessed is he who keeps the law. Proverbs 29:18  One of the challenges many churches & organizations face is getting clarity on their vision. Oftentimes, the vision is fuzzy, and leaders don’t even […]

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  • Two Enemies of Commitment That Stall Your Team

    Two Enemies of Commitment That Stall Your Team

    Is your team stuck in a cycle of discussing issues but never making decisions? You can tell that you’re stuck in this cycle when you talk about a problem and come up with a solution…only to have the person in charge “decide” […]

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