Tag: volunteer

  • How to Cultivate a Volunteer Culture

    How to Cultivate a Volunteer Culture

    The dedication of volunteers is crucial for a church to thrive. The success of a church largely depends on its volunteers who selflessly contribute their time, skills, and energy to support the church’s mission and values. In my previous post, I highlighted WHY […]

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  • Why Churches Need to Cultivate and Create a Volunteer Culture?

    Why Churches Need to Cultivate and Create a Volunteer Culture?

    Volunteers are the lifeblood of a healthy church. A thriving church heavily relies on the commitment of volunteers who generously offer their time, skills, and effort to uphold the church’s mission and values. Creating a volunteer culture within the church is not only […]

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  • How To Overcome The Summer Volunteer Slump

    How To Overcome The Summer Volunteer Slump

    Developing a strategy for overcoming the summer volunteer slump requires proactive planning and creative approaches. As the warm weather and vacation season approaches, many churchgoers and faithful volunteers find their schedules filled with travel, family commitments, or simply the desire to take […]

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