The Passion of Jesus Christ is the heart of Christianity! It should be no surprise that Mark devotes one-third of his Gospel to the events that occur in Jesus’ final week. Mark began his Gospel by declaring, “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” (Mark 1:1). So, from the very beginning, everything in Jesus’ life and ministry has pointed to this week.
Jesus’ passion, which took place during the last week of His earthly ministry, was a pivotal moment in human history. The Passion of Jesus is the culmination of God’s plan for redemption and the ultimate demonstration of His love for humanity. During this week, Jesus rode into Jerusalem as the long-awaited Messiah, was betrayed by one of His own disciples, endured a sham trial, was brutally beaten, and ultimately crucified.
Jesus conquered sin and death through His death and resurrection, offering salvation and eternal life to all who believe in Him. This one week changed everything and continues to impact the lives of millions worldwide today.
In my book, ‘The Passion,’ you will embark on a transformative journey, exploring the profound truths that unfolded during those pivotal days.
The Triumphal Entry: A Royal Welcome
Passion Week commences with Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem, a significant event documented in all four Gospels. It is commonly referred to as the “Triumphal Entry” and marked the beginning of a series of events that would ultimately lead to Jesus’ crucifixion on Good Friday, His burial in a borrowed tomb, and His victorious resurrection on that glorious Sunday.
It is important to note that Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem is a declaration of His Kingship. Jesus did not enter Jerusalem to be made King. He entered Jerusalem triumphantly as King. Jesus IS the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He does not need to be crowned king because Jesus Christ is, always was, and forever will be King! He came to take possession of His Kingdom, and He will receive His Kingdom by way of the cross.
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!”
Mark 11:9
The Last Supper: A Symbolic Feast
Before Jesus and his disciples could partake in the Passover meal, he sent two of his disciples to prepare the table. Once the preparations were finished, Jesus and the 12 disciples went to the upper room to partake in the Passover meal.
Jesus took the bread, broke it, and gave it to His disciples. He told them that the bread represented His body. The body that lived a sinless life and fulfilled God’s law. The same body that would soon be beaten and bruised by His enemies. The body that will bear our sins on the cross. And the body that will ultimately be triumphant over the grave.
After Jesus spoke about the bread, He took the cup of wine and declared that it represented His blood, which was shed for the forgiveness of sins. His blood would establish a new covenant between God and humanity, one that was not based on the Law but on faith in Him. This new covenant is available to all who place their faith in Jesus Christ and accept His sacrifice on the cross as payment for their sins. Through His death and resurrection, we have access to a new relationship with God, one that is marked by forgiveness, grace, and eternal life. This act of love and mercy is the foundation of our faith and the reason for our hope.
“Take; this is my body… This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many.”
Mark 14:22, 24
The Trial and Crucifixion: The Ultimate Sacrifice
The Passion of Jesus includes a sham trial, merciless beatings, and the agonizing journey to Golgotha. Mark paints a vivid picture of Jesus’ sacrificial journey in his gospel. The crucifixion stands as the ultimate display of God’s love for humanity, marking the pinnacle of His plan for redemption.
Jesus’ substitutionary sacrifice is the focal point of the Bible. Everything that is written in the Old Testament and the New Testament is inspired by the Holy Spirit to reveal Christ and God’s plan to redeem us. The entire Bible points to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus as the fulfillment of God’s promise to save His people from their sins.
The Gospel message is a message of hope and redemption, and it reminds us that God’s love for us is so great that He was willing to send His only Son to die for us. As we remember Jesus’ death and the doctrine of substitution, we are reminded of the incredible depth of God’s love for us and the amazing grace that He has shown us.
“And Jesus uttered a loud cry and breathed his last.”
Mark 15:37
The Resurrection: Triumph Over Death
As followers of Jesus, we believe Jesus was historically crucified on the cross. We believe that He died and was buried in a tomb from Friday afternoon until Sunday morning. And we believe on Sunday morning, He physically resurrected from the grave. This belief in Jesus’ resurrection is a cornerstone of the Christian faith.
Christianity stands or falls on the historical, bodily resurrection of Jesus from the dead. If Jesus did not physically rise from the dead, then Christianity would have no basis for its claims. The Resurrection is the ultimate victory over sin and death, and it gives us hope that we, too, will be raised to new life. As Christians, we celebrate the Resurrection as the greatest event in human history, and we affirm that it is the cornerstone of our faith.
“He has risen; he is not here.”
Mark 16:6
Conclusion: Impacting Lives Today
Reflecting on the Passion of Jesus, we recognize that it changed everything. The Passion of Christ continues to impact the lives of millions, providing a source of hope, redemption, and eternal life.
Through His death and resurrection, Jesus demonstrated the power of love and sacrifice, offering a path to salvation and eternal life with God. These events are a turning point for humanity, providing hope and redemption for all who believe in Him.
Embark on a transformative journey with ‘The Passion’—an exploration of Jesus’ final week that changed everything. Experience the power of redemption, love, and the everlasting impact of the heart of Christianity. Order ‘The Passion’ today and discover a source of hope, redemption, and eternal life.
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