3 Ways to Waste Your Life

Do not waste your life! We all have dreams, aspirations, and goals for our lives. Yet our choices determine whether or not we reach our goals and realize our dreams. The choices you make today will determine where you’ll be tomorrow. Some of those choices we make are guaranteed to waste our lives.

Guaranteed Ways To Waste Your Life

Here are 3 choices you can make today to guarantee you won’t be where you want to be tomorrow:

  1. Do Nothing. Laziness kills your dreams. If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never get it. Doing nothing creates no movement toward your goals.
  2. Do The Wrong Things. You can make choices today that actually hinder your ability to pursue your dreams. Doing the wrong things create movement away from your goals.
  3. Do Too Many Things. This is about being distracted. You may be doing some of the right things but your pulled in too many directions. Doing too many things creates sideways movement around your goals. Do the right things instead of everything.

You’ll never reach your dreams if you don’t go after them. By not asking the right questions, you’ll always get the wrong answers. If you don’t take a step forward, you’re guaranteed to be in the same place tomorrow.

Life is a journey full of choices. Each day you have to ask yourself, “what is the one thing I need to do today to take a step forward”…then do it.


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3 responses to “3 Ways to Waste Your Life”

  1. joedalio Avatar

    Usually I like to follow great tips, but I’ll be sure to avoid these : ) Thanks for the excellent info.

    1. eric echols Avatar
      eric echols

      Joe, I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Definitely avoid these 3 practices.

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