Category: Church

  • A Dead Church: Jesus’ Condemnation and Challenge to Sardis

    A Dead Church: Jesus’ Condemnation and Challenge to Sardis

    Calling a church “dead” implies a lack of spiritual vitality, not necessarily a decline in activities or growth. Such churches may succumb gradually to complacency or spiritual apathy, often with a misplaced focus on worldly success over spiritual depth. Revival, as illustrated by Jesus’s message to the Church in Sardis, involves waking up, remembering the…

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  • Faithfulness in the Face of Compromise

    Faithfulness in the Face of Compromise

    In Revelation 2:12-17 Jesus writes a message to the church in Pergamum. The text highlights the church’s faithfulness despite persecution in a city known as “the place where Satan dwells.” Yet, it faced criticism for compromising Biblical truths. This mirrors modern churches wrestling with cultural relevancy over Gospel integrity. Jesus calls for repentance, promising spiritual…

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  • Healthy Churches Focus on Growing Insiders and Reaching Outsiders

    Healthy Churches Focus on Growing Insiders and Reaching Outsiders

    Every pastor shares the noble aspiration of cultivating a thriving and spiritually vibrant church community. But what is the blueprint for growing healthy churches? In this post, we will discuss the fundamental principles that foster a thriving church and ignite change, both inside and outside its walls.

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