Category: Leadership

  • Two Enemies of Commitment That Stall Your Team

    Two Enemies of Commitment That Stall Your Team

    Is your team stuck in a cycle of discussing issues but never making decisions? You can tell that you’re stuck in this cycle when you talk about a problem and come up with a solution…only to have the person in charge “decide” […]

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  • See Beyond Your Current Reality

    We’ve all experienced moments of overwhelming challenges. Perhaps you find yourself in such a situation right now, facing a personal crisis with an uncertain future. Often, whether in parenting, marriage, or ministry, we become so absorbed in our current reality that we […]

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  • Recruit Volunteers Like Apple Recruits Employees

    It is well worth your time to invest 4.5 minutes watching this inspiring recruitment video from Apple. Despite what you think about the company and it’s products, you have to agree that Apple does an amazing job at creating raving fans. Not […]

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