Category: Leadership

  • 3 Ways to Waste Your Life

    Do not waste your life! We all have dreams, aspirations, and goals for our lives. Yet our choices determine whether or not we reach our goals and realize our dreams. The choices you make today will determine where you’ll be tomorrow. Some […]

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  • Shortcuts Lead To A Long Road

    Taking shortcuts in life comes with a price. Sure, cutting corners may bring about short term gain but they always result in long term pain. Hard work, sacrifice, and discipline all take time and effort to develop. There is no substitute for […]

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  • Forget the Resolutions (Repost)

    I’ve never been one for making New Year’s Resolutions. It seems pointless to wait until January to choose a couple of things that you either want to start doing or stop doing to improve your life. Yet each January about 50% of […]

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