Being a faithful witness

Being A Faithful Witness: Principles for Sharing the Gospel

The call to be a faithful witness is the call of every follower of Jesus Christ. However, sharing your faith can be intimidating. If you’re anything like me, the moment you start sharing your faith, questions begin to race through your mind…What if they reject me? What if I can’t answer their questions? How will sharing my faith impact our relationship?

Being a faithful witness for our Lord Jesus Christ is a privilege and a serious responsibility. While our ultimate goal is bringing others to a saving knowledge of the Gospel, we must do so in a way that honors both Christ and the person we are sharing with.

We find the Apostle Paul as an example of a faithful witness throughout the Book of Acts. On two occasions, Paul shared his testimony with very different audiences. In Acts 22, Paul shares the Gospel with the Jews after being falsely accused and arrested. Later in Acts 26, Paul shares his testimony during his trial before King Agrippa.

By examining how Paul shared the Gospel, we find several principles for being a faithful witness:

Address Unbelievers Respectfully

In situations where we face unjust treatment, we can learn a valuable lesson from the way the Apostle Paul shared the Gospel with respect. Paul was arrested and could have easily reacted with anger or resentment towards his captors. However, he chose to take a different approach. Paul chose to show grace and kindness instead of hostility. His example reminds us that we can share our beliefs in a peaceful and respectful manner even in difficult circumstances.

Paul’s ability to blend truthfulness with tenderness and courage with compassion teaches us how to share the Gospel. We must speak the truth without compromising love. As faithful witnesses, our demeanor matters. Respect opens doors that arguments might close. As we share the truth of the Gospel, we must do so with gentleness, respect, and compassion for those who are far from God.

Exalt Jesus, Not Yourself

During his trial, Paul didn’t seek personal vindication; instead, he aimed to exalt Jesus. He resists highlighting his accomplishments, pointing instead to the Savior. Being a faithful witness involves deflecting the attention from ourselves to the transformative power of Christ. Our testimony is about His glory, not our story.

Remember, Jesus is the hero of our faith journey. In our efforts to share the Gospel, it is important to be transparent about our lives and clear in our presentation. However, we must keep in mind that it is not about showcasing our eloquence or personal journey. Sharing our faith is about pointing people to the grace and redemption found in Jesus.

Share the Need for and Benefits of the Gospel

Paul’s emphasis on God’s grace serves as a reminder of the essence of sharing the Gospel – to speak about both the need for and the benefits of the Gospel.

Following Paul’s example, it becomes clear that an authentic presentation of the Gospel involves an honest discussion about the sinful condition of mankind. By acknowledging our brokenness, we create space for the transformative power of God’s grace. Just as Paul highlighted the amazing grace of Jesus toward sinners, we must also share our need for a Savior.

The Gospel, at its core, addresses the profound need for salvation and presents the unparalleled benefits of a restored relationship with God. We must help unbelievers grasp their need for redemption and how Jesus powerfully meets it.

Focus on the Resurrection and the Call to Repentance

Paul’s emphasis on the essentials of the Gospel provides a clear roadmap for our faithful witness. The core of Paul’s message is straightforward: Jesus suffered, died on the cross, and rose from the dead.

In moments of uncertainty or doubt about what to say, begin by discussing the cross and how Jesus’ sacrificial act bears the weight of our sins. Transition seamlessly to the resurrection, underscoring the victorious power that conquered death. Finally, share how forgiveness and redemption are available to all who believe and repent.

Being a faithful witness means sticking to the core of our faith. By following Paul’s lead, we ensure that our message leads others to the cross, the empty tomb, and a call to repentance.

Rely on God’s Help

Paul’s reliance on God’s help echoes through his trials. Being a faithful witness necessitates acknowledging our limitations and relying on God’s strength. Our efforts to share our faith depend upon the work of the Holy Spirit.

In relying on God’s help, we acknowledge our dependence on the Holy Spirit to guide and empower our words and the receptive hearts of those we share with. It’s an invitation to surrender the outcomes to the Author of our faith, trusting that He is at work in ways beyond our comprehension.

Be Prepared for Rejection

Paul faced rejection, yet he persisted. As faithful witnesses, we must recognize that not everyone will embrace the Gospel. Expecting rejection equips us to respond with grace, love, and a persistent commitment to sharing the Good News.

As faithful witnesses, our role is to offer people the opportunity to accept or reject Christ. It’s a simple yet profound calling – simply share the Good News of Jesus Christ. When we share the Gospel, we must understand that not everyone’s heart will embrace it. In these moments, we trust God for the results, acknowledging that conversion is ultimately His work.

Pray for the People You Sharing the Gospel With

The Apostle Paul fervently prayed for those he shared the Gospel with. He directly appeals to Agrippa – “My prayer is that…you may become as I am!” His prayerful desire was that everyone listening to his message would come to know Jesus. It’s a reminder that unbelievers are not projects but individuals who need God’s salvation.

The power of prayer in our witness cannot be overstated. Let us fervently pray for opportunities to share the Gospel. At the same time, we must intercede for those hearing the Gospel. Pray that they may experience the transformative power of God’s love and come to know Christ.

Be a Faithful Witness

Sharing the Gospel can feel intimidating. Without the right approach, it’s easy to get discouraged. But as we saw through Paul’s example, there is a better way – one that relies on respect, exalts Christ, contextualizes truth, focuses on Jesus’ resurrection, depends on God’s power, expects opposition, and blankets unbelievers in prayer.

When we apply these same principles, we gain confidence that comes from preparedness and perspective. Our role is simply to speak the truth in love, trusting results to God. Just as Paul faithfully sowed Gospel seeds, we too can plant spiritual seeds through everyday witness.

As you encounter unbelievers, remember these foundational principles modeled by Paul. Ask God for boldness, wisdom, and discernment. Set your eyes on Jesus. And joyfully share the Gospel with others.

The fields are ready for harvest. Our world desperately needs more faithful witnesses like Paul. Let’s accept the challenge and honor God by applying these principles and carrying the Gospel where we live, work, and play.


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