If God Had a Fridge, You’re Picture Would Be On It

A friend of mine, Glyn Norman, recently released a new book. His book, If God Had A Fridge, Your Picture Would Be On It, examines the sources of self-image and compares them to what God says about us and who we are.

As a pastor, I’ve encountered many people that have lived their lives with a distorted image of who they really are. Some felt unloved and unwanted by their parents. Others were told that they would never amount to anything by an authority figure in their life. Sometimes a spouse has chipped away at their partners self-belief to the point where they feel like a failure. Many times their self-image is distorted by their own mistakes in life. Regardless of the reason, they are looking in the wrong places for their self-image.

As Glyn writes in his book, we will only experience freedom when we understand how God sees us. Understanding how we appear to God changes everything. Only when we appreciate how precious and loved we are by our Creator and Savior can we truly move into the abundant life that he promised us.

If you’ve ever struggled with self-image or self-esteem this book will be a great encouragement as you learn to see yourself as God sees you. As you will discover…If God had a fridge, your picture would be on it!

You can download the ebook from Amazon this week for free. Download it today because the offer ends on Friday, June 14th.


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