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The Magic Bullet For Developing Leaders
There are over 463 million results on google when you search “Leadership Development”. So why do so many churches struggle… Continue reading
Winning Teams [Quote]
Winning teams have players who put the good of the team ahead of themselves. They want to play in their… Continue reading
Leaders Are Learners
Successful leaders are consistent learners. They are constantly developing and improving their skills. I am convinced that growth is inevitable… Continue reading
Develop For Vision, Not For Need
I find that a lot of ministry leaders don’t think about recruiting volunteers or developing leaders when they have all… Continue reading
Ministry is not a solo sport [Quote]
God would never have given us the great Commission—to go into all the world and preach the gospel—if He never… Continue reading
Parenting with Empathy: Navigating Challenges and Growth
Parenting is a rewarding journey filled with joys and challenges. One of the most common sources of stress for parents… Continue reading