The Key to Bearing Spiritual Fruit is Abiding
Do you feel like you are constantly striving yet falling short spiritually? Jesus says the key to bearing spiritual fruit is abiding in Him. As we shift our focus from striving to abiding, we embrace a life marked by the natural outpouring of spiritual fruit.
Be Like Jesus: How To Imitate Our Savior
As Jesus’ disciples, we are called to WALK like Jesus, THINK like Jesus, ACT like Jesus…in other words we are called to BE like Jesus. It is clear in Scripture that our biblical mandate is to imitate Christ. Here’s what Apostle Paul […]
Pursuing God: Simplicity is the Path, Holiness is the Destination
The path for pursuing God is simplicity and the destination is our personal holiness. A man is raised up from the earth by two wings—simplicity and purity. There must be simplicity in his intention and purity in his desires. Simplicity leads to […]