Tag: priorities

  • The Cycle of Success

    We all face a “collision with reality” when our good intentions don’t produce the results we wanted. It’s important to follow the Cycle of Success if we want to meet our personal, professional, and organizational goals.

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  • RE-Organizing the Family (Part 1)

    Who’s in charge of your family? Let’s begin answering that question by thinking back to your “BC” days—life Before Children. If you’re like me, you’re probably having a hard time remembering your life before kids. Here are a few reminders of what it was […]

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  • Forget the Resolutions (Repost)

    I’ve never been one for making New Year’s Resolutions. It seems pointless to wait until January to choose a couple of things that you either want to start doing or stop doing to improve your life. Yet each January about 50% of […]

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